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What you will learn in today's class:

3 Acne Myths & 3 Acne Truths

Stop guessing, Googling or buying random skincare. Learn the truth about persistent acne.

Three key action steps 

Don't wait any longer to begin healing the root causes of acne, apply these steps today!

Collect your thank you gift!

As a special thank you for your attending the Masterclass, I'm gifting major savings! Watch to the end to collect your gift.

What People Are Saying...

Angel, Acne Client

"Kristin’s program changed my life. Literally. My face is night and day different, and continually improving. It’s hard to put into words just how much better I feel overall. I am so thankful for this program!"

Breanne, Acne Client

"Revealing the root cause of my acne and taking the time to address my mental health and regulating my nervous system has brought my skin to a clear, healthy place! I never thought this was possible and I am forever deeply thankful."